Lentil Ontology


  • Shiv Kumar Agrawal
  • Karthika Rajendran

Lead center



=Term, =Trait, =Method, and =Scale
Concept details
Key Value
trait_id CO_339:0000000
trait_name Anthracnose resistance
ontology_id CO_339
ontology_name Lentil
trait_class Biotic stress
trait_description Degree of resistance to Anthracnose disease. Causative organism: Colletotrichum truncatum. Symptoms develop when plants start to flower. Necrotic lesions can be found on the lower leaflets and cause premature leaf senescence. Symptoms can also be found on stem starting from the base to the top of the plant
main_trait_abbreviation ANTR
entity Leaf and Stem
attribute Resistance to Anthracnose
trait_status Recommended
language EN
created_at 2023-09-04-13:58:42